Intermittent Claudication

Chief paper discussed:
T Parkington, T Maden-Wilkinson, D Broom, S Nawaz... (2023). Low-Intensity Resistance Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction for Patients with Claudication: A Randomised Controlled Feasibility Trial. Vascular Medicine .

Position statement on managing PAD:
Askew, C. D., Parmenter, B., Leicht, A. S., Walker, P. J., & Golledge, J. (2014). Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise prescription for patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport / Sports Medicine Australia, 17(6), 623–629.

Additional papers referenced:
Bentzen, A., Nisgaard, L. B., Mikkelsen, R. B. L., Høgh, A., Mechlenburg, I., & Jørgensen, S. L. (2023). Blood flow restricted walking in patients suffering from intermittent claudication: a case series feasibility and safety study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery (2012), 85(5), 1430–1435.

Saes, G. F., Zerati, A. E., Wolosker, N., Ragazzo, L., Rosoky, R. M. A., Ritti-Dias, R. M., Cucato, G. G., Chehuen, M., Farah, B. Q., & Puech-Leão, P. (2013). Remote ischemic preconditioning in patients with intermittent claudication. Clinics , 68(4), 495–499.

Ahmed, K. M., Hernon, S., Mohamed, S., Tubassum, M., Newell, M., & Walsh, S. R. (2018). Remote ischemic preconditioning in the management of intermittent claudication: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Annals of Vascular Surgery.

Podcast w/ Jamie Burr we referenced:…mie-burr-phd

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