Blood Flow Restriction Training, commonly referred to as BFR training or BFR (may also be called occlusion training or Kaatsu training), involves the application of a specialized tourniquet cuff to the proximal portion of an exercising arm or leg to reduce arterial inflow and restrict venous outflow from the limb. Exercising in this manner allows the use of low intensity exercise to elicit positive adaptations in muscle size, strength, or endurance typically associated with much heavier loads or higher intensities. The pressure applied with BFR should be personalized to the individual’s Limb Occlusion Pressure or LOP (We often refer to using BFR in this manner as Personalized Blood Flow Restriction or PBFR). A range of pressures can be effective and different pressures may be required for the arm (40-50% of LOP) and for the leg (60-80% of LOP). If you want to dive deeper into BFR, you can find some of the key papers on our Publications Page or a more thorough explanation on our What is Blood Flow Restriction page. You can also see a little more of our personal take on some of the BFR evidence or sub-topics by checking out our Blogs and Podcasts.